10th Anniversary Kwiz for the Kidz 2018
Saturday, August 25 2018A fabulous night was had for our 10th Anniversary of our Annual Kwiz for the Kidz Triva, Social & Auction night!
A fabulous night was had for our 10th Anniversary of our Annual Kwiz for the Kidz Triva, Social & Auction night! There was lots of fun and laughter, music and entertainment
Thank you to our co-hosts, Tom Gleisner and Kitty Flanagan, to our Events Assistant Sue O’Shea, to our Kwiz Crooner, Lindsay Field, to the Carneval String Quartet, to our guest speaker, L4Life mum Victoria, to Ash our auctioneer, to the Richmond Football Club, to our wonderful volunteers, and thank you to all of you Kwizees who attended and supported our night
We raised $29,000 at our trivia night – thank you! These funds will continue to grow our programs for Fair Access.
All the funds raised are only made possible through the generosity of our supporters who attended, to those who donated raffle and action items, and all who supported the evening and our work at L4Life
Table 6 were our winners, and they received a certificate with some special artworks by our own L4Life Alumni, Charlie
Check out our photo album of the night!
Here’s a fun snippet of our fun night!
We would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to the following people and organisations:
Thank you to our Live Auction donors:
Saffire Freycinet The Levin Family (Gippsland Lakehouse) Volvo Cars of Melbourne Hamish Blake HYBPA Working Dog Productions
Thank you to those who donated silent auction and raffle items, and supported our Kwiz night:
2XU AFL Apples and Sage Ash Sachdev BeyondRest, Hawthorn Blackbird and Fox Bob Stewart
Bounce Inc. Bread Street Cadel Evans Canary Janes Flowers Carneval Strings Chemist Warehouse
Clip n’ Climb Cones Ice Cream and Gelato Crown Melbourne Dan Murphy’s Richmond
Dymocks, Victoria Gardens Ena Enchanted Adventure Garden, Arthurs Seat Eugenie Cashmere
Funfields, Whittlesea Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre Hokey Curator Huxtaburger Kitty Flanagan
Leanne McMahon Beauty Therapy Lido Lindsay Field Luna Park Masquerade Kew Melbourne Chamber Orchestra
Melbourne Farmer’s Market Melbourne Public Natio Onya Pezzimenti-Nixon Optometrist
Providence Melbourne Renew Physiotherapy Richmond Football Club San Churro, Tahlo Fitting Room The European
The Freedom Machine The Toy Workshop Tickle Your Brain Toys Turner and Lane, Vaporetto Village Roadshow
Debbie Brady, Faye Spencer, Kathy Cameron, our L4Life Volunteers, Meg Bartel, Rashmee Bala, Rosemary Worssam and Tom Gleisner.